If you have tardive dyskinesia, a side effect associated with the use of antipsychotic medications — as well as medications used to treat Parkinson’s disease, anxiety, nausea, or other conditions — you may experience involuntary movements of your mouth and other parts of your face and body, according to the National Organization for Tardive Dyskinesia.
This disorder can be frustrating, but there is hope. Not only is it possible for the symptoms of tardive dyskinesia to improve with treatment, but there are also several steps you can take to help yourself feel better in the meantime.
Many of the best strategies work by reducing stress, a key aggravator of tardive dyskinesia.
“Any movement disorder, including tardive dyskinesia, gets worse under stress,” says Burton Scott, MD, PhD, a neurologist and movement disorder specialist at Duke University School of Medicine in Durham, North Carolina.
This could be due to an increased release of the brain chemical norepinephrine by your sympathetic nervous system — the famous fight-or-flight response, says Dr. Scott. The following strategies can help you reduce stress and maximize your ability to control your movements.
1. Work With Your Doctor to Adjust Your Meds
“Tardive dyskinesia can get better,” says Scott. “The natural history is that if the patient is able to stop the drug that’s causing it and wait long enough, it can get better.”
But you should not abruptly stop taking an antipsychotic, as that can cause serious problems, he says. Work with your doctor on a plan to wean yourself off it or try another medication.
2. Consider Adding a Drug to Reduce Movements
Talk to your doctor about taking a type of medication called a vesicular monoamine transporter 2 inhibitor. The two that have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of tardive dyskinesia are deutetrabenazine (Austedo) and valbenazine ( Ingrezza).
“These medications can help suppress the abnormal movements and make them more tolerable, so that patients can get back to their normal,” says Scott.
3. Practice Stress-Reduction Techniques
Meditation is a proven stress reliever, possibly because it turns down the sympathetic nervous system’s response to stressful situations.
Another option is to sign up for a class in mindfulness-based stress reduction, which is offered by many local health networks.
You may also find relief in your beliefs. “For some people, spiritual activities or reconnecting with their religion is a good thing,” says Scott.
4. Exercise Regularly
Get moving, and you will feel better — both physically and mentally. “Schedule daily walks in a pleasant place,” says Scott.
Walking in a natural setting, rather than an urban one, may have added benefits. A review found extensive evidence showing the positive effect being outside in nature can have on your mental, emotional, and physical health.
Swimming is another good source of aerobic exercise. Or if you enjoy sports such as tennis or basketball, look for opportunities to play regularly.